There are two ways to work with segments when building and targeting your lists: adding a new segment to an existing list and editing a segment after you've already made your selections.
Adding a Segment
Within the "All Segment" section, click the green plus symbol; this will open up the segment modal.
Within the segment modal, you can now select the company type and additional criteria, which will refine your segment and target your results.
Choose from the following Company Types:
Design Firms
Fine Art
Media Companies
Record Companies
Choose from the following Criteria Selections:
Promo Preferences
Promo Clicks
Promo Opens
Pro Tip
Build a highly targeted list of contacts that are engaged in your email promotions by choosing "Promo Opened" and "Promo Clicked". Select this criteria to plan your targeted follow-up. Keep in mind that "Promo Opened" and "Promo Clicked" will only show as a criteria option after you have sent your first email campaign using the Agency Access Email system.
Editing a Segment
Within the individual segments, expand the three-dot menu and click "Edit Segment."
This will open up the original segment modal and allow you to edit your existing criteria. Make your selections and click the "Save Segment" button in order for your changes to be applied.
Editing criteria could potentially remove companies and contacts that were already selected from your original results. Make sure your selections are what you want before you click "Save Segment."